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Looking for sponsors

Ayúdanos a traer a Ajijic jóvenes artistas del más alto nivel para una semana llena de música.

Looking for sponsors

Ayúdanos a traer a Ajijic jóvenes artistas del más alto nivel para una semana llena de música.


- Expand Ajjic's cultural and educational scene through a diverse range of music concerts, as well as free masterclasses for music students in the community.

- To build a prestigious platform for young music talents to share their work.

- To make Ajijic a national and international reference center for music.

Donantes - Edición 2023


Monte Coxala

Nivel ‘Melophile’

Brad y Carol Burns

Nivel ‘Musicholic’

Ernesto Barajas

Nivel ‘Melomaniac’

Brigitte y Ted Pidduck


- Expand Ajjic's cultural and educational scene through a diverse range of music concerts, as well as free masterclasses for music students in the community.

- To build a prestigious platform for young music talents to share their work.

- To make Ajijic a national and international reference center for music.

Do you want to be our sponsor?


1.- Recognition of your name.


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for a concert of your choice.


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for two concerts of your choice (a total of 4 tickets).


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for all concerts (a total of 10 tickets).

3.- Reserved seats.

4.- Video package of all concerts with a thank you letter signed by all participating artists.

Do you want to be our sponsor?


1.- Recognition of your name.


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for a concert of your choice.


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for two concerts of your choice (a total of 4 tickets).


1.- Recognition of your name.

2.- Two free tickets for all concerts (a total of 10 tickets).

3.- Reserved seats.

4.- Video package of all concerts with a thank you letter signed by all participating artists.

Logo vectorizado_Mesa de trabajo 1

+52 33 3490 0340
[email protected]

Carretera Oriente 33C Int. C, Ajijic, Jalisco (above Multiva Bank)

Office hours
Lunes a Viernes de 10:00 a 15:00 hrs (a partir de Mayo)

Logo vectorizado_Mesa de trabajo 1

 +52 33 3490 0340
[email protected]

Carretera Oriente 33C Int. C, Ajijic, Jalisco (above Multiva Bank)

Office hours
Lunes a Viernes de 10:00 a 15:00 hrs (a partir de Mayo)